Contact information
GS1 Service Support
Assistance and guidance in questions and technical problems related to the use of our services
Email: asiakaspalvelu@gs1.fi
Phone: +358 60 004 299
Our telephone services are open Mon–Fri from 10 am to 2 pm
Call price: 1,90 €/min + standard mobile rate / standard local network rate, queuing is free of charge
GS1 Customer Service
Invoicing and contract matters and advises on purchasing our services
Email: asiakaspalvelu@gs1.fi
Phone: +358 10 739 2300
Our telephone services are open Mon–Fri from 10 am to 2 pm
Call price: 0,084 €/min, queuing is subject to charge
Changes to billing information: OmaGS1 portal
Invoicing matters other than invoicing contact information: laskutus@gs1.fi
Postal address: Firdonkatu 2 T 166, 00520 Helsinki
Arriving at our office
Our office is located in the Mall of Tripla, on the 16th floor of Tripla Workery West.
When you arrive at our office, please first check in at the Workery lobby service, located on the 6th floor. They will call us and we come to pick you up or they direct you to the next lift to the 16th floor.
You can find the lift to Workery lobby service on the 4th floor of the mall, behind the Kekäle shop, between Delhi Rasoi and The Tower restaurants. In the car park, the lift is located in the yellow area behind the door marked Workery. If you enter from Firdonkatu directly to level P3, you will be in the yellow area when entering the car park.

Satu Hulkkonen

Petri Leppänen