Contact information
GS1 Service Support
Assistance and guidance in questions and technical problems related to the use of our services
Phone: +358 60 004 299
Our telephone services are open Mon–Fri from 10 am to 2 pm
Call price: 1,90 €/min + standard mobile rate / standard local network rate, queuing is free of charge
GS1 Customer Service
Invoicing and contract matters and advises on purchasing our services
Phone: +358 10 739 2300
Our telephone services are open Mon–Fri from 10 am to 2 pm
Call price: 0,084 €/min, queuing is subject to charge
Changes to billing information: OmaGS1 portal
Invoicing matters other than invoicing contact information:
Postal address: Firdonkatu 2 T 108, 00520 Helsinki
Visiting address: Firdonkatu 2, Tripla Workery West, Helsinki
Access via the 4th floor of the Mall of Tripla.