

On this page, you can find GS1 Finland's key contact information for the media as well as useful links. Contact us, we are happy to help you!

Are you looking for an expert to interview?

GS1 is an international, non-profit, impartial organization. Our global supply chain data standards are suitable for all industries and for companies of all sizes to utilize. We are constantly improving the efficiency of Finnish companies' supply chains in cooperation with industries. We have a lot going on all the time and we are up to date with domestic and international developments in supply chain data management.

Contact us, our experts will be happy to help you with an article or other. Below you can see by theme who could be suitable for you to interview. You can also contact our communication manager for more information.

Food Data Finland program: Developing the Finnish data utilizing food chain

Satu Hulkkonen

Satu Hulkkonen

Program Manager – Food Data Finland Growth Engine program

GS1 2D code and GS1 standards

Kimmo Keravuori

Kimmo Keravuori

Standards and Compliance Lead

GS1's solutions for packaging information requirements and the data model of food sustainability

Anu Lahdenperä

Anu Lahdenperä

Chief Growth Officer, Product Data

GS1's solutions for the EU's digital product passport

Kuva Laura kasvot

Laura Juntunen

Chief Growth Officer, Supply Chain Data

Communication helps you with all questions about GS1 Finland

Terhi Paavilainen

Terhi Paavilainen

Communication Manager
Pia Koskinen

Pia Koskinen

Digital Marketing Manager