GS1 is the only official issuer of EAN barcodes and GTIN product identifiers in Finland and abroad.
Follow these steps to get barcodes for your products
Here are the instructions in brief. You can also familiarize yourself with our more detailed instructions.
1. Find out how many barcodes you need
Each variant of each of your products, as well as different packaging levels in the product hierarchy, require a unique barcode. Estimate your needs a few years ahead.
2. Order GS1 Company Prefix from our webshop
Choose a GS1 Company Prefix according to your code needs. It serves as a foundation for generating the GS1 identifiers. You can order the prefix from our webshop.
3. Use the GS1 Rekisteri to generate barcodes
After ordering, you will receive IDs for the OmaGS1 portal. From there you have access to the GS1 Rekisteri service, where you can create and manage your GTIN identifiers and EAN barcodes.
Do you need a barcode?
To generate barcodes, you need a GS1 Company Prefix. With it, you get access to the GS1 Rekisteri - a service that helps create product identifiers and barcodes.