GS1 Rekisteri instructions
Get to know and start using GS1 Rekisteri
GTIN Management Standard
GTIN Management Standard
The international GTIN Management Standard defines uniform rules for the management of GTINs assigned to products. For example, it tells when a new GTIN must be assigned to the product, assortment or case. If you are unsure whether a change in your product requires a new GTIN, you can use the Do I need a new GTIN code? tool.
Questions and answers about GS1 Rekisteri
How much does it cost to use the GS1 Rekisteri?
The GS1 Rekisteri service is included in the annual fee for the GS1 Company Prefix and does not have a separate usage fee.
Is the use of the GS1 Rekisteri mandatory?
The GS1 Rekisteri was implemented in all GS1 countries by the end of 2021. In Finland, all new GS1 Company Prefix customers are required to use the GS1 Rekisteri. Those who have previously become our customers will start using the service in stages.
Which GTIN codes are not stored in the GS1 Rekisteri?
The GTIN codes for variable weight products (beginning with 23–25) are not stored to the GS1 Rekisteri. The GTIN codes of imported products created from foreign GS1 Company Prefixes, i.e. foreign manufacturers, are also not stored in the register provided by GS1 Finland.
Do sales batches or pallets have to be stored in the GS1 Rekisteri as well?
Yes. All the GTIN codes created based on the GS1 Company Prefix are stored in the register (excl. the codes for variable weight products). Information on sales batches, transport packages and pallets will not be transferred to the international Verified by GS1 register search.
Do private label products have to be stored in the GS1 Rekisteri as well?
The GTIN codes of private label products will also be stored in the GS1 Rekisteri. The company whose GS1 Company Prefix is used to create the codes, i.e. usually the company that owns the private label product brand, is responsible for this.
Do products that are only used internally have to be stored in the GS1 Rekisteri as well?
All the GTIN codes created based on the GS1 Company Prefix are stored in the GS1 Rekisteri (excl. the codes for variable weight products). If the GTIN code is only used internally, it is marked with "Is trade item a consumer unit - No", and the information of the GTIN code is not transmitted to the global Verified by GS1 register.
Who can view the information stored in the GS1 Rekisteri?
Information active and passive consumer units is transferred from the GS1 Rekisteri to the global Verified by GS1 register search, where it can be viewed by everyone. Case and pallet information is not transmitted to the global Verified by GS1 register.
Why doesn't the product information I saved appear in the Verified by GS1 register search?
The register search tells you the details of your product if it is marked as a retail product and a consumer product in the GS1 Rekisteri. If you have specified your product as a case or a pallet, its details will not appear in the register search. Likewise, if the information "Is trade item a consumer unit - No" is stored on your retail product.
If you did not find the answer to your questions, please contact us.