
GS1 Synkka – Saving origin information for consumer goods

Product origin information in GS1 Synkka serves the need of both trading partners and consumers to obtain information about the origin and processing countries of the product and its materials.

You can save material information for all kinds of consumer goods products in GS1 Synkka. Legislation separately defines the products for which reporting is mandatory. For example, for raw materials subject to the EU Deforestation Regulation (such as wood and rubber) material origin information must always be recorded. Information about the percentage of recycled material in the reported material is important, for example, in sustainability reporting.


Country of origin

Add the Trade item country of origin (id 2300) information for all products. This is the country where the product is primarily manufactured. Manufacturing of a product refers to the processing and combining of raw materials into a product. Packaging of the product is not manufacturing.

In connection with the country of origin, you must report all countries where the product is manufactured. If the country of origin of the product varies, report all countries by repeating the information.


Product production stage 

Tallenna käyttötavaran tuotantovaiheet ilmoittamalla esimerkiksi:Record the production stages of the consumer good in Product activity type code (id 2303) by indicating, for example:

  • Assembly: in Country of activity, select the country where the components are combined into the product

  • Last processing: in Country of activity, select the country where minor manufacturing takes place after the actual manufacturing


Product material information

  • Material code (id 3028): enter the material, for example softwood
  • Material weight (id 3036): indicate by giving the weight, how much of the material in question is in the product
  • Country code (id 4310): indicate each country from which the material in question comes to the product
  • Raw material code (id 5578): indicate whether the material is new raw material, recycled material or bio-based plastic
  • Raw material content percentage (id 5577): indicate how much of the material is from the source defined above

Report information for each material separately, i.e. repeat the group if the product consists of more than one material.


Additional information for wood material

For products containing wood, also record the genus and species of the wood in Genus Classification (id 1699) as additional information.

Report information for each material separately.

  • Genus (id 1687): write the genus to which the wood belongs, for example Pinus
  • Species (id 1689): write the species to which the wood belongs, for example Pinus sylvestris