

Item information profile & Maintenance releases

On this page you can find the current documentation for the Synkka service. Here you can also find the release schedule for upcoming GDSN releases. The page will be updated as more information is available for each release.


Documents related to upcoming releases

VersionMonthProduction dateDocumentation 


Last update 5.3.2024


3.1.30February22.02.2025February 2025 release is CANCELLED 

XML interface

GS1 Synkka integration can be implemented using standard xml messages. The supported data transfer protocols are AS2 and FTPS.

Message templatesDownload7.11.18Message templates (CIC, CIHW, CIS, GS1 Response and RFCIN)
AS2 Connectivity GuideDownload1.09.17Description for connection settings
FTPS Connectivity GuideDownload1.09.17Description for connection settings
Connectivity guide/formDownload Connectivity form for AS2 tai FTPS

Api documentation

GS1 Synkka has three API interfaces:

  • My Products API
  • Public Products API
  • Media API

The first two interfaces allow you to retrieve product information, and the last one allows you to download media and retrieve from the system. The API documentation is divided into three sets. Below are links to the documentation.


My Products API v. 2.0Read moreAPI interface that enables retrieval of information on private label products established in GS1 Synkka and other GDSN data pools. Using the interface requires creating and maintaining product information subscriptions via the GS1 Synkka user interface. Suppliers can retrieve information about their own products through this interface.
Public Products API v. 2.0Read moreAPI interface enabling retrieval of product data of public products published in GS1 Synkka. This interface cannot be used to search for information on private label products established in other data pools.
Media APIRead moreThrough the Media API, the supplier can upload his media files to GS1 Synkka. Recipients can search for media files via the API interface and create subscriptions.