
GS1 Synkka – Primary product image

The primary product image refers to the images intended for the sale and marketing of the product. The product image shows the product in its entirety and nothing else. It is enough to add one good-quality product image to the product, which is:

  • always cut out from its background
  • tightly cropped, with small spaces at the sides of the product.


You can save several product images in GS1 Synkka. The product can be photographed from different directions and the product can be in packaging or without packaging.

Select one of the primary product images as the main image (Primary file).


Maintain the following information from the code list for the product image:



The Referenced File Type Code defines what kind of image it is. Select Product image.


Image type

It is recommended to add to File nature / type high resolution (over 2400 px) product images due to their versatility.


Still shot single GTIN

In this image type, only the product is shown without any other items. The image is cut out from its background on a white or transparent background. 

AStill shot single GTIN, the longer side of the image for a normal resolution product image: 900–2400 px 
CStill shot single GTIN high resolution, the longer side of the image for a high resolution product image: 2401–4800 px
Still shot single GTIN with supporting elements

This type of image shows the product, and in addition, the image may contain items that are not part of the actual product. The purpose of additional items is to emphasize the product in the picture, not to decorate it. For example, a steak is placed on a plate or a shirt is worn by a model. The image is cut out from its background on a white or transparent background. This image type should not be confused with mood or purpose images.

BStill shot single GTIN with supporting elements, normal resolution: 900–2400 px
DStill shot single GTIN with supporting elements, high resolution: 2401–4800 px


Image direction 

The product can be pictured from several different directions. The facing of the product depends on the type of packaging and the intended use. In GS1 Synkka, maintain the following information from the code list:



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We recommend that the product is pictured using a small plunge angle so that the shape of the product can be seen in the picture. In addition, you can show the product a little from the side. In GS1 Synkka, maintain the following information from the code list:



No plunge angle is suitable for products that do not have three dimensions, such as spice bags.

NNo plunge angle


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Packaging – presentation

Presentation refers to how the product is presented in the picture.

1In packagingThe product is pictured in its packaging
0Out of packagingThe product is taken directly from the package, after which it has not been processed or manufactured
ACaseA picture of the product in the transport package as it looks when transported
BInner packPicture of the product in the inner packaging of the transport package
CRaw uncookedAn image of a product that has not been prepared or processed or requires preparation or processing before it can be eaten
DPreparedAn image of a product that has been prepared (e.g. baked, fried, grilled or cooked) from a raw or non-prepared product
MOpen caseA picture of the opened transport package, which shows how the products look in the package when it is opened


If the type of image is Still shot single GTIN with supporting elements, you can also use the following options: 

EPlatedPrepared food that is simply laid out on a plate or bowl to make it more visible. Image may also include garnish, frosting, spices or other enhancements
FStyledA carefully and artistically laid out product that offers an attractive and visual image that reveals the taste, aroma and charm of the product. The picture may also contain other products (starter and side dishes), so you can see the whole meal in the picture. Image may also include garnish, frosting, spices or other enhancements. The image can be presented with different backgrounds and from different angles
GStagedAn image of the product that is positioned so that it is clearly visible. The product may be displayed, but it must not be in the person's hand or used in any way
HHeldImage of the product being held with one or two hands. Image of the product being held with one or two hands. The right hand grip can be used if necessary introduce. The photo should not show anything other than the person's hands and arms. The photo should not show anything other than the person's hands and arms
JWornAn image of a product, such as a protective product or garment, depicted worn by a model. The entire product should be visible in the picture, but the person wearing the product should be cut out of the picture as much as possible
KUsedA picture of the product when it is being used in an environment suitable for it. Small equipment and tools can be depicted as being held in the hand/hands
LFamilyImage of several related products (e.g. compatible sets, tableware)


Main image

The product must have one main image (Primary file). The most representative image of the product is selected as the main image. The choice must be made, even if you save only one product image for the product. If the product is sold packaged, the main image must be depicted on the packaging. The main image of a bulk product, such as cauliflower, can be depicted without packaging.

Main picture information is important to maintain. With it, users of product information search for product images in their own systems, for example in an online store.


Material requirements for the Primary file

Product images are used in a variety of ways for product sales and marketing, so the product shown in the main image must have a representative appearance and the product image must meet material requirements.

File formatPNG, JPEG or TIFF (LZW compressed)
Image sizeLonger side 900-4800 px (Recommendation 2401-4800 px)
Color spaceRGB
EmbossingThe image is cut out from its background with a transparent background or an embossing path and a white background
CroppingThe image area is cropped as close as possible to the product

Also note the following instructions:

  • The best before date for the product does not appear in the image.
  • The product shown in the picture is representative: the product is not smeared, dirty or dusty and its packaging is not broken.
  • The surface of the product does not show unnecessary gloss.
  • The product is clearly visible in the picture, i.e. a large depth of field has been used.
  • Adequate lighting has been used.
  • The picture has realistic and neutral shadows and reflections.
  • The colors in the image are rich and balanced and match the PMS colors of the product. 
  • The picture is not blurry.
  • The image has not been over sharpened by image processing.
  • The image has not been manipulated (interpolated) to larger pixel dimensions, so that the image has lost detail and sharpness.
  • There is no smudge on the product label (the so-called Moiré Pattern; a phenomenon in which the halftone dots on the label mix with each other and cause uneven gradients and a striped pattern in the image).
  • No signatures or watermarks are shown in the image
  • No alpha channels or other masks have been used in image processing.


Optional additional information for the Primary file

In addition to basic information, you can save the following optional information on product images:

File Sequence NumberSeparates two images with the same name. An integer from 0 to 99
Alternate TextThe text equivalent (alt-text) describes the image, improving the accessibility of online content.
Language Code Tells which language appears in the product image. Used if many different images of the product are published in which different languages ​​appear.
File effective start dateDefines the date from which the material is valid.
Digital asset end date timeDefines when the material is no longer in use. If you leave the field blank, the material remains public.
Rendered ImageRendered images refer to computer-made images similar to photographs.


Naming the primary product image

The primary product image is named as follows. See the descriptions and codes in the tables above.

Position in the file name Contents
15Underscore _
16Image type
17Image direction


GS1 Honey

Example: 06400001069015_C1C1.jpg


In addition to the above, you can indicate voluntary additional information separated by an underscore in the file name. There can be one or more additional details and they should be entered in the name of the picture in the following order:

Language Code

The primary language that appears in the product image.

In two-letter ISO 639-1 format, for example fi, sv, en

End time

Report with four numbers: mmyyy

For example, December 2024 is reported as 1224.

Sequence number

Reported as a 2-digit number preceded by the letter s.

For example, s02

Example: 06400001069015_C1C1_fi_1224_s02.jpg