VTT, GS1 and buildingSMART survey on carbon footprint management in construction projects

The survey collects information of market situation in different countries about managing carbon footprint in construction projects. The survey concentrates in CO2e emissions from material fabrication, transport and site operations. The emissions of the energy consumption in usage phase of the facility are excluded.
The survey is part of a research work that targets in how to manage CO2e emissions in the construction phase of a project. In the design phases is set the limiting value for carbon footprint and the supply chains and site operations shall be adapted to that. In practise, this will create new demand for environmentally friendly solutions and products in the domain.
Appreciating your answer
We hope that you could use 10-15 min. in answering the survey to provide valuable insights of the national situation and share information of recognized calculation methods and data sources.
You can answer the survey here: https://response.questback.com/vtt/rvnjuklat8
Your personal information is not stored in the survey.
Please answer the survey by 20th of June, 2022. If you have any further questions or comments, please contact directly the organizer: markku.kiviniemi(at)vtt.fi
Please share the survey link in your organization or networks to get more valuable answers from different perspectives.