
Naming Trade Items

Instructions for naming different packages

General Instructions

All base items and their packaging items are given a name. Because product name information is utilized in many channels and for different needs, the name information must be clear and understandable and follow these naming guidelines.

Names are written according to the usual writing rules, first uppercase letters, otherwise lowercase, note that the whole name is not written in UPPERCASE. Name information is provided in Finnish, Swedish and English. See also our naming examples below.

Visibility of item name in webshops

The product name is formed from several different attributes and therefore depending on the need for use, different combinations of name fields can be formed, e.g. for the online store or receipt. The most visible name fields in the online store are Description Short, Trade Item Description, Brand name, Sub brand and Variant.

In the online store, the presentation of product names varies. A brand name often appears in combination with other name information, but as a single piece of information it is less often highlighted. It is important for the consumer to identify the product, and this is done through the product image and the Description Short / Trade Item Description.

Description Short is a short name (35 digits) and is therefore suitable for use in the search results view, for example. From the search results, the consumer can quickly see  what type of product it is. The Trade item Description is already a longer description of the product in terms of characters, and may not be displayed until the product information has been opened from the search list. The Trade item Description is also utilized directly in the search results view, giving the consumer a comprehensive description of the product. The Trade item Description usually includes a variant of the product (eg lipstick shade) but the variant information can also be added to Synkka with the attribute Variant.