Create case and pallet
Steps to set up case and pallet
Once you have saved the base unit, you can continue by adding a case package or pallet. Case and pallet are added in the same way as the base unit, but much less information is provided.
There are different packaging hierarchies and their establishment must be done according to the given instructions. See the Advanced section of this page for examples of how to set them up.
Add new packaging
To add an upper hierarchy level to a base unit, open the base unit information, click on the add to packaging button and then choose New Packaging. Continue by adding basic information.
Trade item unit descriptor code:
- Case, means the part of the packaging hierarchy in which the retail product is packed. The case can be, for example, a sales lot, an assortment or a factory package.
- Pallet, is always the top level of the packaging hierarchy and it can be e.g. a complete pallet, half pallet or a quarter pallet. The pallet is identified by its GTIN.
Is trade item a consumer unit:
- Consumer units are products or packages that are intended for consumer purchase and use. A case can also be a consumer unit, e.g. an assortment that is sold to consumers (biscuit assortment, gift box) a multipack (6 pack, 12 pack beverages)
GPC Category code:
The product GPC category code is automatically copied from the base unit to hierarchy levels above.
Child Trade Item GTIN and Quantity:
Here you add the GTIN and quantity of the product contained in the new case or pallet
Who should see this information:
Product visibility information is copied from the base unit
Continue by clicking Next and then Create item. You have now created a draft item that is saved.
Complete case level information
Continue by adding information to the case. Information is added in to the views on the left. Go through all views and add information that is relevant to the case level. On case level we mainly add logistic information and handling instructions, except for multipacks that are sold to consumers.
You can move from one view to another without saving, but remember to save before living the user interface
Create pallet
Each packaging hierarchy must include a pallet, excluding direct delivery products, half full transboxes and individual sales items. The pallet is identified by its own GTIN and is displayed in the hierarchy as its own level. Pallet information is needed by the recipient e.g. storage, - ordering and transportation planning.
There are many types of pallets and other units that are set up as pallets. Different terms are also used for pallets. In Synkka, all transport packages weighing more than 25 kilos will be set up as a pallet. Dolly and trolleys are also set up as a pallet.
To add an upper hierarchy level, click on the Add to packaging and then New packaging.
Publish hierarchy
After entering all the product information, click Publish Preview in the lower right corner to publish the packaging hierarchy. Note that the packaging hierarchy can only be published after all errors and warnings in the Checklist have been corrected.
To publish a product with limited visibility, press the Target Market field and select Restricted> Data Recipients> Companies from the screen that opens. You can search for recipients by name or GLN in the Companies field. Finally, click Publish in the lower right corner of the page.
After publication, the status of the product changes from Draft to Live or Published. The top level of the hierarchy is displayed with the Published status and the lower levels of the hierarchy with the Live status. Both statuses mean that the product has been released.
Publication of product information means that product information is sent to all recipients of product information who have an active subscription for the product. The subscription can be product-specific (GTIN) or supplier-specific (GLN). Synkka sends the entire packaging hierarchy information to the recipients without delay. Recipients process product information according to their own schedules.
Add product image
Add product image
Now you have created a case and/ or a pallet. Your next step is to add a product image and publish the hierarchy.
Continue by reading the following instructions.
Useful tips for data entry
We recommend that you collect all product information before starting data entry. Once the product information is ready, saving it is quick and easy. In addition, you can make the work even easier by using instructions, search functions and the user interface checklist. See our tips here below!
The Hierarchy function enables you to move effortlessly, within the hierarchy from one level to another. The active level is shown as light blue.
The Hierarchy function can be found in the right lower corner of the user interface.
A checklist appears on the right side of the page. The checklist shows errors and warnings in the product information. The checklist only shows what information is software-required, in addition to this, a lot of other information is provided, such as information required by law or information required for e-commerce. Press the arrow button on the checklist, and the system will take you directly to the information that needs to be corrected.
There are two types of notifications
- Error
- The notification is red, publication is not possible
- Warning
- The notification is yellow, it is possible to publish the item information. Warnings guide users to check information.
There is a small question mark next to the attribute, which you can click to conveniently view a short description of that attribute and how to use it.
A lot of different information is given to a product and therefore it can be difficult to find the right attribute in the product information. The attribute search function can be found in the upper right corner of the user interface and allows you to search for attributes at that hierarchy level.
You can search for the attribute by name or its id number, eg 1837 Packaging Marked Label Accreditation Code. Once you have entered a search term and selected the appropriate option, you will be directed to the attribute you selected.
Direct delivery products
- Jewellery, that is delivered and shelved by the supplier
- Magazines and books
- Products, that the manufacturer delivers directly to the store/restaurant
Transboxes (half full)
- Collectible product that is collected according to order in a transbox
- One transbox can contain several different products
Single sales batch
- A product that is always delivered as a single sales batch
- The recipient does not need pallet information