Synkka version 3.1.15
- Synkka version update: 15.5.2021
- Synkka test is updated: 19.4.2021
Changes are divided in the following sections, changes within each section is described on this page:
- Attributes
- Code values
- Validation rules
Related instructions
The Finnish data profile contains attributes that are defined for use in Finland and Synkka. In the background is a larger set of attributes (attributes contained in the GDSN standard) from which these have been selected for use.
The attributes used in the user interface are displayed as data fields, in which data is entered either freely or selected from a code list. In addition to these, Synkka has attributes that do not appear in the UI as data fields because they get a standard value. Nevertheless, those attributes must be taken into account in the integration.
The new attributes to be added to the Finnish data profile are listed below. More detailed information on the attributes can be found in the Finnish Item Information Profile. Id is missing from the GDSN standard for new attributes.
Id | Attribute name | Attribute name in Finnish |
4735 | Claim marked on package | Väite merkitty pakkaukseen |
833 | Growing Method Code | Kasvatusmenetelmä |
1067 | Trade Item Feature Benefit | Tuotteen ominaisuuden kuvaus |
Attributes to be deleted from the Finnish data profile or from the GDSN standard are listed below. More detailed information on the attributes can be found in the Finnish Item Information Profile.
Recipients should notice that even if the attribute is removed from the Finnish data set, the information in question can be provided and sent to Finland from other target markets.
Id | Attribute name | Attribute name in Finnish |
1833 | Is Packaging Marked Returnable | Onko pakkaus palautettava |
Changes to current attributes are listed below. Please see the Finnish Item information profile for more information.
Id | Attribute name | Attribute name in Finnish | Change |
1017 | Compulsory Additive Label Information | Pakolliset lisähuomautukset kuluttajalle | Increase in number of characters: 1000 to 5000 characters. |
1105 | Target Consumer Age | Suositusikä | Increase in number of characters: 70 to 500 characters. |
Code values
There are three types of code lists:
GDSN code list; either a full list or a limited number of values (= limited code list) is used. The code list values are maintained in GDSN, not by GS1 Finland.
- Finland code list; The code list values are maintained by GS1 Finland,.An example of this is the code lists for dangerous substances.
- User interface code list; there are code lists used in the user interface that improve usability and correct use of information. Please note that other data pools can use different code list values.
Listed below are the new codes that will be added to the code lists used in the Finnish target market, if they enter the Finnish information profile. The change can be a new code in the GDSN standard or a code used by the Finnish data profile.
Code list | Code id | Code name Finnish |
BatteryTechnologyTypeCodeList | LITHIUM_PHOSPHATE | Litiumfosfaatti |
LITHIUM_AIR | Litiumilma | |
LITHIUM_COBALT | Litiumkoboltti | |
LITHIUM_NICKEL | Litiumnikkeli | |
LITHIUM_TITANATE | Litiumtitanaatti | |
LEAD_ACID | Lyijyhappo | |
LEAD_CALCIUM | Lyijykalsium | |
NICKEL_OXIDE | Nikkelioksidi | |
NICKEL_OXYHYDROXIDE | Nikkelioksidihydroksidi | |
NICKEL_ZINC | Nikkelisinkki | |
ZINC_AIR | Sinkki-ilma | |
ZINC_CHLORIDE | Sinkkikloridi | |
BatteryTypeCodeList | AAAA | AAAA |
NONSTANDARD | Standardoimaton patteri | |
PRODUCT_SPECIFIC | Tuotekohtainen | |
ConsumerSalesConditionTypeCodeList | ORIGINAL_PLACED | Alkuperäinen (ensimmäinen) markkina |
ADDITIONAL_MARKET_AVAILABILITY | Lisämarkkinoiden saatavuus | |
GrowingMethodCodeList | CAGE_FREE | Häkkivapaa |
INTEGRATED_PEST_MANAGEMENT | Integroitu tuholaistorjunta | |
HUMANELY_RAISED | Kasvatettu eläinten hyvinvointi huomioiden | |
GREENHOUSE | Kasvihuone | |
CLONED_FOODS | Kloonattu ruoka | |
ORGANIC | Luomukasvatus | |
FARM_RAISED | Maatilakasvatus | |
CONVENTIONAL | Perinteinen | |
SHADE_GROWN | Puun varjossa kasvanut | |
GRASS_FED | Ruoholla ruokittu | |
FREE_RANGE | Ulkokanala | |
FIELD_GROWN | Ulkokasvatus | |
FLY_FREE | Vapaa hedelmäkärpäsistä | |
SUSTAINABLE | Vastuullinen kasvatus | |
HYDDROPONIC | Vesiviljely | |
WILD | Villi | |
NutritionalClaimNutrientElementCodeList | PESTICIDE | Torjunta-aine |
PESTICIDE_RESIDUES | Torjunta-ainejäämät | |
PackagingFunctionCodeList | CHILD_RESISTANT_CLOSURE | Lapsiturvallinen korkki |
PackagingMaterialTypeCodeList | CORK_NATURAL | Luonnonkorkki |
Code values that are deleted from the Finnish profile or the GDSN standard are listed below. Deleting a code value from the Finnish profile means that the code value in question is not displayed in Synkka's user interface.
Code list | Code id | Code name | Change |
FI_CertificationAgency | 33217 | Valvira | Delete |
NutritionalClaimNutrientElementCodeList | 48429 | Soya | Delete |
TradeItemUnitDescriptorCodeList | 7544 | Display Shipper | The code value is removed from UI |
TradeItemUnitDescriptorCodeList | 7548 | Pack or Inner Pack | The code value is removed from UI |
NonBinaryLogicEnumerationCodeList | 4917 | NOT_APPLICABLE | The code value is removed from UI |
4915 | UNSPECIFIED | The code value is removed from UI |
Changes to the codes used in the Finnish profile are listed below.
Code list | Code id | Code | Change |
AllergenTypeCodeList | Käyttöliittymässä näytettävien koodiarvojen kirjoitusasua muutetaan. Esim. Kuha ja -tuotteet muuttuu arvoksi Kuha | ||
AllergenTypeCodeList | AM |
Nyt AM Maito ja -tuotteet sisältäen laktoosin.
DietTypeCodeList | 2694 | VEGETARIAN | Kasvisruokavalio |
2693 | VEGAN | Vegaaniruokavalio | |
PackagingMarkedLabelAccreditationCodeList | 35662 | CRUELTY_FREE_PETA | Cruelty Free PETA |
Validation rules
Type of validation rule:
UI rule | The rule only applies to the Synkka user interface. Rule is there to guide users in correct data entry. |
Target Market dependent rule | Rule is dependent on target market and is implemented in Finland. Every target market can have their own rules. |
Global rule | The validation rule is global, applies to all target markets. |
Two types of errors:
There is errors in the product information or information is missing. The warning does not prevent the publication , but the supplier assumes responsibility for providing the information despite the warning. |
ERROR | There is an error in the product information. The product information can't be published unless the missing or false information is added or corrected. An error also prevents the recipient to subscribe to the information if it is activated for an already published product. |
Uudet tarkistukset voivat olla joko varoituksia taikka virheitä. New validation rules can be both errors or warnings.
New validation rules also applies to products already published.
Error id | Error/Warning | Description |
G1716 | Error | AllergenRelatedInformation is only repeatable when either the Allergen Specification Agencies or the Allergen Specification Names are populated or when both are populated, the values of the pairs [Allergen Specification Agency and Allergen Specification Name ] shall be different. If the Allergen Specification Agencies and Allergen Specification Names are the same, repeat the Allergens Types within the same Allergen group (class). |
G1717 | Error | If NutrientDetail sub-class is used, then all nutrientTypeCode values shall be unique within the same NutrientHeader class. |
G1733 | Error | Multiple values for nonFoodIngredientName for each language are not allowed. |
400.270 | Error | Stacking Factor Type Code (3413) shall be given if Stacking Factor (3412) is given. |
400.271 | Error | Trade Item Regulation Type Code (2603) shall be given if Regulatory Permit Identification (2608) is given. |
400.272 | Error | Certification Agency (243) or Certification Standard (245) shall be given if Certification Value (246) is given |
400.273 | Error | Display Type Code (3110) shall be given if Is Trade Item A Display Unit (3112) is given value true. |
400.274 | Warning | A consumer unit shall not have a data carrier intended for logistic unit (ITF-14 or GS1-128) |
400.275 | Warning | If preliminaryItemStatusCode does not equal 'PRELIMINARY' then if the Document Command is equal to 'CORRECT' then Quantity Of Next Lower Level Trade Item (3170) must not be updated. |
400.276 | Warning | Foods (GPC segment 5000000) should always provide allergen information |
Validation rules that are going to be deleted.
Error id | Description |
G1011 | isTradeItemAnInvoiceUnit must be populated for the trade item. |
G1067 | There must be at most one iteration of ingredientStatement per languageCode |
G1505 | nonFoodIngredientStatement is repeatable for language only. |
G457 | One or more of the GTINs in each hierarchy must be marked as an INVOICE UNIT |
Changing validations
Error id | Description | Change |
400.199 | If servingSuggestion (945) is not empty, then one iteration shall be given in Finnish. | Warning changes to error |
400.200 | If servingSuggestion (945) is not empty, then one iteration shall be given in Swedish. | Warning changes to error |
400.215 | If isTradeItemAConsumerUnit (3066) is equal to "true" and functionalName (3301) is not empty, then exactly functionalName shall be given in Finnish, Swedish and English. | Warning changes to error |
400.221 | If feedCompositionStatement (4437) is not empty, then one iteration shall be given in Finnish. | Warning changes to error |
400.226 | If GPC segment is 50000000 (exclude family 50210000) and IsTradeItemAConsumerUnit (3066) is true, then PriceComparisonMeasurement SHALL be given | Warning changes to error |
400.233 | If TradeItemUnitDescriptorCode (3074) is equal 'CASE' and IsTradeItemAConsumerUnit (3066) is 'true' then netContent shall be given | Warning changes to error |
400.235 | If TargetMarket is equal 246 (Finland) and IngredientName (827) is given, then one iteration shall be given in Finnish (fi) | Warning changes to error |
400.236 | If TargetMarket is equal 246 (Finland) and IngredientName (827) is given, then one iteration shall be given in Swedish (sw) | Warning changes to error |
400.250 | If ShortTradeItemMarketingMessage (4159) is not empty, then one iteration shall be given in Finnish. | Warning changes to error |
400.251 | If ShortTradeItemMarketingMessage (4159) is not empty, then one iteration shall be given in Swedish. | Warning changes to error |
400.252 | If CompulsoryAdditiveLabelInformation (1017) is not empty, then one iteration shall be given in Finnish. | Warning changes to error |
400.254 | If CompulsoryAdditiveLabelInformation (1017) is not empty, then one iteration shall be given in Swedish. | Warning changes to error |
400.225 | Transportation Maximum Quantity (3656) value shall be either 0, 20, 333, 1000 or 999999. | Warning changes to error |
400.257 | If HealthClaimDescription (1023) is not empty, then one iteration shall be given in Finnish. | Warning changes to error |
400.258 | If HealthClaimDescription (1023) is not empty, then one iteration shall be given in Swedish. | Warning changes to error |
400.259 | If TradeItemIncludedAccessories (1080) is not empty, then one iteration shall be given in English. | Warning changes to error |
400.260 | If TradeItemIncludedAccessories (1080) is not empty, then one iteration shall be given in Finnish. | Warning changes to error |
400.261 | If TradeItemIncludedAccessories (1080) is not empty, then one iteration shall be given in Swedish. | Warning changes to error |
400.268 | Suomenkielinen Täydellinen tuotenimi (3318) ei sisällä tuotteen Brändinimeä (3336) | Warning changes to error |