
Data model of food sustainability

GS1 together with the actors of the food value chain compiled a data model of food sustainability in Finland. The development project belonging to the Food Data Finland Growth Engine program prepared a proposal, how data related to food sustainability could move from primary production to food industry, retail trade and all the way to consumers.

In September 2022, GS1 implemented a development project Data model of food sustainability, which was part of the Food Data Finland program. The end result of the development project, completed in March 2023, was GS1's proposal on what kind of sustainability-related data could be collected and in what form it could be shared in the chain. In addition, the project prepared a road map proposal for the industry on how to shift to the use of the food sustainability data model. Its purpose is to act as a work tool for food chain companies to put changes into practice.

GS1's proposal for a data model is based on the utilization of GS1 standards. In order to prepare the model and map out the needs, GS1 had discussions with various actors and companies in the food chain. The starting point of the data model was strongly taken from the consumer's point of view, i.e. the information needs and wishes related to the consumer's purchase process.


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Read more on Food Data Finland website

You can find more information about the Data model of food sustainability development project on the Food Data Finland program´s website.

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Anu Lahdenperä

Anu Lahdenperä

Chief Growth Officer, Product Data