How to mark a book or periodical
National ISBNs and ISSNs are used to identify publications. For barcode markings on books and periodicals, an ISBN or ISSN code is applied for from the National Library of Finland, which is made into an EAN-13 barcode symbol in accordance with the GS1 standard according to GS1 instructions. A symbol with 2 or 5 digits (Add-On) can be used in connection with the symbol. The ISBN for the books has the GS1 Prefix 978-979. The ISSN for periodicals has the GS1 Prefix 977.
ISBN identifier (International Standard Book Number)
An ISBN is an unambiguous identifier for a book or other monograph. It is given to all works that correspond in content to the book and are intended for public use. The work can be a printed book, an audiovisual or electronic recording. A separate ISBN is assigned to each book or other monograph, its publication format (outfit), and edition with changes.
Read more about ISBN on National Library of Finland web pages >
ISSN identifier (International Standard Serial Number)
The ISSN is the international symbol for a constantly appearing text publication. It allows a particular magazine, series, or other ongoing publication to be unambiguously distinguished from other publications, even those of the same name. The ISSN is inextricably linked to the name of the publication; If the name changes, the ID must also be changed.
Read more about ISSN on National Library of Finland web pages >
ISMN identifier (International Standard Music Number)
The ISMN is the standard identifier for sheet music publications. It is intended as a tool for publishing and selling sheet music and for music library activities. The logo makes it easier to find and process the publication. The ISMN of sheet music publications corresponds to the ISBN of books. The Finnish ISBN Center is responsible for both ISBN and ISMN activities.
Read more about ISMN on National Library of Finland web pages >