The new OmaGS1 portal streamlines and unifys the GS1 customer experience

OmaGS1 is GS1's new customer management portal, where the customer can manage their own users of GS1 services, access rights and contact persons, as well as contact and billing information. Through OmaGS1, sign in will go directly to the GS1 services, Synkka and the GS1 Rekisteri. There is also the option of submitting support tickets to our customer service and reviewing their solutions.
- OmaGS1 brings the entire GS1 customership to the same address and thus streamlines our customers' digital path. In addition to maintaining one's own data, it introduces the single sign on login with the OmaGS1 ID, which our customers much wish for, eliminating the need for separate user IDs for Synkka and GS1 Rekisteri, sales manager Riku Kautto says.
The reform does not require any other measures from our customers, other than activating the OmaGS1 ID by setting a password for it.
- When you log in to our services for the first time after the reform with your new OmaGS1 ID, you must set a new password via the "Forgot password" button on the login page, says Kautto.
In connection with the implementation of OmaGS1, the current MyGS1 site will be disabled.