GS1 participated in BIM World MUNICH

Held for the fifth time, the BIM World MUNICH event attracted a large number of construction, real estate and urban development professionals interested in digital solutions to Munich in November. The deteriorating corona situation in Bavaria, Germany, posed its own challenges to the organization of an event of this size, but changes had been made to the venue, e.g. in the use of the premises and in ventilation. In addition, each participant was required to submit either an EU corona certificate or a recent negative corona test result.

Queue for checking covid passports at the door of BIM World MUNICH.
Through digitization, BIM World aims to enable the continuous and sustainable growth of the AEC (architecture, engineering, and construction) industry. Hundreds of presentations and an extensive exhibition area provided insights into the industry’s latest digital methods, services, and technologies.
GS1 was also prominently featured at the event and was one of its main sponsors. GS1's exhibition booth illustrated the use of GS1 standards in the real estate and construction industry with a demonstrator created for this purpose and a mobile application connected to it. The demonstrator described the use of two-dimensional barcodes containing GS1 identification keys from both building site and property management perspective. By reading the barcode-compliant barcodes placed on various objects in the demonstrator, information related to these objects was displayed through the application.

A demonstrator describing the use of GS1 standards.
GS1 was also featured in the conference section of BIM World. Uwe Rüdel (PhD) from GS1 Switzerland was one of the keynote speakers at the event and his performance garnered a lot of interested audience. In his presentation, Rüdel said e.g. how standardized identification and structured information can help to get rid of data silos that slow down data sharing and process automation, and thus improve interaction between different actors.

GS1 Switzerland's Uwe Rüdel as keynote speaker at the conference.
The event also provided an opportunity for a working group of construction industry experts in their own GS1 country organizations to meet face-to-face. In 2021, BIM World was represented by five GS1 country organizations.

GS1 experts Uwe Rüdel, Thorsten Kirschner, Petri Leppänen, Aihedan Dilimulati and David Almroth at the GS1 booth.
The GS1 Center of Excellence Construction, set up in the beginning of this year, meets mainly virtually, and face-to-face meetings have not previously been possible due to the current pandemic. The group currently includes representatives from the GS1 organizations in Germany, France, Sweden, Norway, Ireland, Switzerland, and Finland, and through its cooperation serves the needs of construction companies globally.