
Integration to GS1 Synkka

In short, a system integration refers to connecting different systems and software together. Integrating the GS1 Synkka service into the company's existing systems (e.g. ERP, PIM, CMS, graphic production) ensures that the product information and the materials linked to it are always correct and up-to-date.

Integration is a wise choice when the amount of data processed in Synkka is large. Working time is saved when information is managed centrally in one place.

GS1 Synkka data model

The data model is based on the international GSDN product data standard, which enables the synchronization of trade item information between data pools in different countries. Currently, the GDSN network includes 42 certified data pools. In addition to Finland, the Nordic countries include Sweden, Denmark and Iceland.

The data model consists of common data fields, but there are also country-specific differences between data contents and code lists. The GDSN standard is updated four times a year. The changes brought by the updates should be taken into account in the integration settings and the necessary modifications should be made to them.

Integration for suppliers

It is possible to send product information and product-related media materials to Synkka via system integration.

The integration makes it possible to manage product data and materials from your own PIM, ERP or DAM system, without having to modify them throught the user interface in Synkka. All functions, from product creation to modification, are then done via the own backend system.

The message format supported by Synkka is XML. The supported communication protocols for XML messages are AS2 and FTPS.

Media files can be maintained using JSON API.


Retrieving your own product information from GS1 Synkka

The supplier can also query Synkka for its own product information using JSON API and use the information, for example, on its own website.

Integration for receiver

Receiving product information and images is possible through integration. In addition to the AS2 and FTP protocols, product information can also be received via the API interface.