Terms commonly used in Synkka
Common abbreviations used in GS1 Synkka
Abbreviations related to the standards
The following abbreviations are commonly used in the GS1 Synkka service.
The GTIN code is used to identify the Trade Name (retail product, transport packaging, pallet) in the GS1 Synkka service. Each unit to be identified must have its own GTIN.
The GTIN is always given in 14 characters. If the GTIN has less than 14 characters, it is completed with leading zeros to 14 characters. This does not affect how the GTIN is presented on the package.
The Global Location Number (GLN) is a GS1 identifier used to identify parties and locations. The GLN consists of a GS1 Company Identifier, optional unique numbers, and a verification number.
The GLN number is used in the GS1 Synkka service to identify the data provider. The data provider is a company that sells and markets the product in the Finnish target market.
The GS1 Synkka product database is based on the GDSN (Global Data Synchronization Network) standard maintained by the GS1 community. The standard allows product information to be synchronized internationally between sellers / suppliers and buyers (eg retail).
GDSN uses a consistent way to present product information, so suppliers and vendors around the world can report product information in the same way. The standard also provides guidelines for the specific photography of products and the transmission of materials.
The GS1 Synkka product data pool is GDSN-certified, ie it can participate in the synchronization of data between different markets.
Read more about the GDSN standard:
Global Data Synchronisation Network (GDSN)
Global Product Classification (GPC)
Global Data Dictionary
Access GDSN Standards
The GS1 Synkka service is constantly updated with new functionalities and information content. Updates take place annually in February, May, August and November, when the product database GDSN product data standard is updated.
GPC (Global Product Classification) is an international classification of products used in GDSN data pools.
It helps to group products in the same way all over the world and is thus the key to a clear and understandable flow of information.
The GPC-browser can be used to determine the GPC value of a product.
Terms related to product information management
The GS1 Synkka service is associated with several terms that describe measures related to product information.
The Finnish information profile contains attributes that are defined for use in Finland and GS1 Synkka. They are chosen from a larger set of attributes contained in the GDSN standard).
The attributes used in the user interface are displayed as data fields, in which data is entered either freely or selected from a code list. In addition to these, GS1 Synkka has attributes that do not appear in the UI as data fields because they get a standard value. Nevertheless, those attributes must be taken into account in a possible integration.
Each attribute has its own identification number, or ID number. The id number appears next to the attribute in GS1 Synkka's documentation. The ID number is also displayed in the user interface next to each data field.
Product information is always published for the selected target market. When published for the Finnish target market, product information is available to Finnish recipients. From GS1 Synkka information can also be published to target markets in Sweden, Germany and Denmark, for example.
Publishing of product information means that the product information is passed on to the recipient of the product information. The product can be published to the database when all the necessary information has been provided and the user interface error report is blank. In connection with the publication of the product, a product information message is formed, in which case the product information is forwarded to the recipients.
Recipients of product information can retrieve, view, and query product information as well as media materials from GS1 Synkka. The query allows the recipient to order the supplier's product information for themselves.
The query can cover all products of the supplier (GLN) or certain products (GTIN). As long as the query is valid, the recipient will receive updated product information whenever the supplier adds, deletes, or updates product information.
The hierarchy level describes the location of the GTIN in the product hierarchy. The hierarchical level is used to link the GTIN to other packages of the product. The following hierarchy levels are used in the Finnish target market:
- Base unit
- Case
- Pallet
Base unit products mean the smallest / lowest unit in the packaging hierarchy. This unit is provided with product-specific information, eg additional food information, information on the dangerous substance. All packaging hierarchies must have a retail product.
A case can be a box, a transport package, and refers to the part of the packaging hierarchy in which a retail product is packaged. Pallet refers to a GTIN-encoded pallet. Note that the pallet information is only given to the top level in the hierarchy.
Product information is transmitted from suppliers to recipients via product information messages. GS1 Synka's product information message is an XML message.