Health check for product information
Quality in product information and product pictures is a key to sales. Up to date and extensive information is crucial for the clients and additionally they bring visibility and help consumers in their buying decisions online. Do you know what the condition of your product information is?
Health check for product information is a service, that gives you useful insight to the information, timeliness and quality of the products stored in the Synkka data pool. After the health check it is easy to correct possible shortcomings.
The health check for product information contains:
- An analysis by our expert of the information, timeliness, and quality of the products, the central shortcomings and errors
- A more precise analysis of the media material and marketing texts essential to online shops
- A graphical quality report, to be used as guidance to update the information
- A company specific walk through of the data (1 h), with our expert, with guidance and advice on improving the quality of the data
At Ole’s our guiding star is excellent quality, in products and operations. With the Health check for product information, we got an understanding of our situation regarding our product information and we can do a plan for their development.
– Fredrik Snellman, Sales Director, Ole’s Fast Food Oy