Our experts help you streamline your company's operations by leveraging the power of GS1 standards.
Find out how our identification, capturing and sharing standards and the common operating models based on them can, among other things, improve business processes, smooth the information flow in the supply chain and improve the customer experience.
In the future, the packages for products will be subject to more and more information requirements, as reporting and recycling requirements become stricter with the legislation. Therefore, even more data is needed on the packages. GS1's data standards and product information service help companies...
Trading partners, consumers and authorities are increasingly demanding transparency into the origin and responsibility of products. GS1 standards effectively support this traceability by providing interoperable international solutions for tracking products and related events throughout their entire...
The reliability of data is a critical factor in today's business environment, where decisions are increasingly based on real-time data. GS1's global standards enable the identification and sharing of authenticated data in supply chains across industries and between stakeholders.
GS1 Finland is collaborating with industry leaders on a development project to create a roadmap for implementing interoperable traceability solutions across Finland's food chain.
GS1 Finland carried out a development project that mapped the prerequisites and readiness of food industry and retail trade companies for the introduction of the GS1 2D code. In addition, the project prepared a project plan for a possible industry GS1 2D code implementation project. The definition...
The Finnish grocery trade and the food industry are committed to the joint development of the entire industry in their vision of the world's most consumer-oriented food value chain 2025.
GS1's standards and services are constantly being developed. The global development of GS1 standards takes place in a forum made up of experts from different industries and in related working groups. In Finland, we facilitate cooperation groups consisting of several companies, where our customers...
The Food Data Finland Growth Engine program brings together key players in primary production, food industry and retail trade to develop a food chain that utilizes data and to promote innovations in products and services with high added value.
Here you can find instructions for making identifiers and markings according to GS1 standards.
The GS1 Rekisteri makes it easy to create, maintain and manage the company's GTIN and GLN identifiers.
On this page you can find the GS1 Golli user manual with detailed descriptions of how to use the service. We'll also tell you how to get started using GS1 Golli, and we'll provide guidance for the situations that most often trouble users of the service.
The Barcode (r)Evolution
One scan.
Infinite possibilities.
In the next few years, a digital product passport will be required for almost all products placed on the EU market. There is therefore a significant reform upcoming for the product information offered to consumers, and for this reform the GS1 standards provide ready-made keys.
All GS1 identifiers and barcodes are generated using the GS1 Company Prefix.
On this page you will find instructions for using the product information service and media bank, as well as different solutions for sharing product information. We have divided the instructions for information savers, information recipients, integration users and product media maintainers.
We believe that correct and reliable information in accordance with standards is the key to a more responsible and cooperative world. To a world that creates new opportunities from information and its benefits. This is what we contribute to with our work at GS1 Finland, without choosing a side.
Supplies, trade, logistics and medicine and patient safety. Solutions innovated by GS1 bring efficiency and fluency to several industries.
2024 was a year of growing cooperation and importance of standards for GS1 Finland. The changing operating environment, especially the increasing requirements of EU legislation, laid the foundation for the strengthening of our role and the expansion of our operations. The development of our services...
What does the future of barcodes look like? Can a single code be used to serve both the retail value chain and consumers in the future? Discover the possibilities of the new, smarter GS1 2D code.